Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I started a blog a couple of times...

See how fickle i am? But I saw my nephew's blog and thought, "Hey, if he can do it so can I!" So this is the first of many, many blogs. I even have a sticky note with the word BLOG on it stuck to the right side of my computer monitor to remind me to write a few words now and again to bore you to death! Course with all the other sticky notes there reminding me of a dozen or more other things, will I ever see it? Perhaps bigger lettering? Ah...lettering of another color, a bright lime green or flame orange? That might do it. But I will just leave it the way it is right now, because it will take too much time to go find my bright lime green or flame orange highlighters. Yes, lazy too, not just fickle! Here is a picture of me with one of my bunnies. More about the bunnies later. A lot more about a lot of things later. I'm not real creative, so as the title says, I will be doing a lot of rambling....